You don’t need to take a list building course to get started in list building. This is all about common sense.

First of all, you have to understand why you want to build an email list. You have to truly understand the power of an email list.

Many beginners take to list building without the full conviction of it being a potent email marketing tool. The following are some questions to help you understand the genesis behind this email marketing technique.

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Why an email list?

No list building course will truly help you understand the span, reach, and potency of an email list. To simply put, an email list is a good way to keep track of your current customers. It also helps you get new customers.

Email marketing by way of email lists helps you nurture relationships with existing customers.

It is a passive form of client relationship management. By way of good feedback response mechanism, you can understand what they truly want and try to work better in this regard.

What is the role of an email list in the era of social media?

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This is another topic that has to be covered by every list building course. More than social media, an email list is a much more reliable and personable way to maintain relationships with existing and prospective customers.

For instance, assume you tweeted a post on Twitter. There is no way to find out if your customers are online to read the post.

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Assume one of your customers is following many people. So you cannot say for sure that this person will follow you religiously. Your post could get lost in lots of posts.

Likewise, assume you posted something on Facebook. You are expecting prospects or existing customers to read. But what if some of them don’t use Facebook much?

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Research indicates that people check their emails more times than they check their social media accounts.

Also, Facebook posts are linearly displayed on the screen. When more posts come, your post could have been buried deep into the post line. If users don’t scroll down, your post can never be seen.

Email marketing tips

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Once you have built a list, next would be to use the email list to send newsletters. This is always a challenge. You now have the email IDs, but getting users to read your content is challenging.

* Write fewer words that have more information.

* Include a lot of headings. Use illustrations only when it matters. Communicate more using fewer words.

* Don’t write culture-centric information. Maintain a neutral tone. For instance, do not try to be humorous as humor could be perceived in different ways by different cultures. However, if you already know your audience, this should not be a problem.

* Try to segment your list. Instead of mass mailing every email ID, try to understand which email IDs need what type of content. Continue to segment and send relevant content to them.

Why Build A List?

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Pretty soon into your internet marketing career you come across the saying that  “the money is in the list.”  It refers to the fact that perhaps THE single most important thing  you can be doing while you are building your online business is building an email mailing list of subscribers who are interested in whatever niche you are operating in.

When you start to think about it it’s easy to see why having a mailing list is so important…

It is often said that the single biggest cost in a business is acquiring new customers.  Finding people to buy your products is DARN hard, time consuming and can cost a lot of money. It makes little sense therefore to go to all that time, effort and expense, only to sell one thing to them and then never deal with them again.

If you have an email mailing list you can sell to those people again and again. By communicating with them on a regular basis you will over time build a relationship with your subscribers and as they come to know and trust you more it becomes easier to sell them higher ticket items.

If you’re selling a particular item which, let’s say, costs $500 it’s pretty difficult to sell it to somebody who doesn’t really know you.  If this is the first time they have come across you they don’t know if you are trust worthy or whether your product is good or crap!

Now imagine that this person has been your subscriber for a couple of years and they’ve bought five or six lower priced items from you over that time. Because those items were lowly priced (let’s say in the region of $10-$20) then it was easier for them to make a punt on you because the financial risk just wasn’t that great. What those products showed them was that they could trust you and that the products you sell are of good quality

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If you are a newbie internet marketer get it into your head now that you MUST be building a mailing list. 

It’s the single most important thing in your online business and most internet marketers seem make their money this way…

A mailing list gives you money on tap. Once you have a list you can literally send out an email promoting a product and see an instant amount of sales. You can either sell your own products or promote products as an affiliate (ie. Other people’s products which you earn a commission from when you sell them).

Another thing about having a mailing list is that it gives you the ability to make money in your sleep. You often see that claim splashed about on hyped-up sales pages BUT having a mailing list really DOES give you the ability to make money whilst you are in the land of nod and dreaming about whatever you dream about …

Here’s why.  When someone subscribers to your list you can set it up so that they are automatically sent a series of pre-written emails at pre-defined intervals. This could be a handful of emails sent over a period of a few weeks or it could be hundreds of emails sent over YEARS. There really is no limit.

Once an email is added to your autoresponder sequence it stays there forever. So you can add a sales email to your sequence once and then sell that product over and over again for years to come.

To learn more about List Building Basics For Newbie Internet Marketers get our FREE REPORT.

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